** Fighting inspiration **
Sometimes we are held back by very small differences in grades, and sometimes its a matter of pure luck whether you pass or the person beside you passes. They might be better at a certain topic that comes on the test, while you're better at other topics, and it is just luck that the topic they knew was on that test.
The more difficult the road, the more we appreciate our chances, and the less we take it for granted, the stronger we become. For those who the road had little rocks and stones, when they get to their final careers, they easily fall under the pressure, because when you're a doctor you have to carry a lot of baggage, and if you never built up those muscles to handle pressure, unexpected changes, results, you end up falling under all of it.
Its like the difference between a marathon runner and a wrestler. The marathon runner spends all his time running, on normal ground, always the same heart beat for long periods of time, he's only built up endurance to do the same work for a long period of time. His body build is skinny, lanky, not much muscle tone, not very strong, and his heart is only able to work at two different rates, and changes that are too quick tire him out.
The wrestler, on the other hand is muscular and toned. He can't run for such long periods of time without getting tired, but he's done weight, training, cardio, aerobics. He is strong and can easily handle quick changes in heartbeat required by many sports, and change from running to jogging to sprinting to walking without getting tired. His heart is trained to handle anything.
Now when the time comes for you to finally succeed at your dreams, get where you wanted to go, which one would you rather be? Who do you think appreciates getting there more?
