Take the time to live!

A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package: "This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package." He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box. "She got this the first time we went to New York , 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on, she was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is it." He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house. His wife had just died.

He turned to me and said: "Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion". I still think those words changed my life.

I no longer keep anything.
I use crystal glasses every day.
Now I read more and clean less.
Do things that makes you feel better.
I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.
I spend more time with my family, and less at work.
I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if i feel like it.
If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now.
The words 'someday' and 'one day' are fading away from my dictionary.
I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to.
I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through.

I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning, this nobody can tell. I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends. She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels. I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favorite food. It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come.

Each day, each hour, each minute is special.
Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no-one.

Michael Bublé - Home

"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home"

Postat av: Melissa

Så sant så sant... man vet inte hur länge man har varandra...här på jorden. ta vara på varenda sekund... förbannar mig själv för att jag inte gjorde det.

2008-11-28 @ 06:08:22
URL: http://mammamelissa.blogg.se/
Postat av: Melissa

Så sant så sant... man vet inte hur länge man har varandra...här på jorden. ta vara på varenda sekund... förbannar mig själv för att jag inte gjorde det.

2008-11-28 @ 06:08:29
URL: http://mammamelissa.blogg.se/
Postat av: jannica

Hoppas du får en fin fredag:)

2008-11-28 @ 14:55:18
URL: http://jannicalouise.blogg.se/
Postat av: Melissa

Tack! Tack för de fina orden och för att du tog dig tiden och tack för allt!

Det värmde verkligen! Ja, kanske skall de skydda mig istället...? har inte tänkt i de banorna innan. Tack för att du gav mig en ny vinkel på det hela!

2008-11-28 @ 14:59:25
URL: http://mammamelissa.blogg.se/
Postat av: Melissa

Oj, tack! Tänk att jag har hört den innan, men aldrig egentligen lyssnat på texten... så mycket som passerar så fort, när det egentligen är så vackert! Tack för att du fick mig att stanna upp och lyssna!

2008-11-28 @ 21:32:58
URL: http://mammamelissa.blogg.se/

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